Monday, May 4, 2009

I believe I can fly

Randy sure has been influencing me lately. Sometimes I swear I can hear him grinning- you know what I mean; when Randy smiled it was almost loud. Of course you can't hear him grinning without also hearing that immortal phrase, "Drive fast, take chances."
Somewhere along the line I slowed way down. Frankly it's boring. So I've tightened my seat belt and hit the gas. Metaphorically, OK? No need to call highway patrol. I'm also taking some cues from the kids, who naturally know how to have fun as long as some painfully boring old person isn't sucking the joy out of the room. So while I'm revving the gas with one foot I'm riding the brake with the other- at least when it comes to telling the kids, "don't." My own personal motto is becoming, "why the heck not?"
As you can see, once I'm out of the way these kids can actually fly.

I'm getting more playful myself. I'm proud to say that I jumped right into the mix with kids playing games this Easter. (at least that's not egg on my face.) My dear friend, Gracie, and I actually won the three legged race. It wasn't even close. The rest of those geezers were still at the starting line trying to coordinate their strategies while Grace and I just ran. You'd be surprised how much ground you can cover when you quit worrying about "how" and just run.

Orion, always the charmer and I swear the reincarnation of Mr. Drive-Fast himself, was given his science teacher's Olymic bow (she was a world-class archer) and dozens of arrows. He's pretty good with that curvy stick. I'm derned impressed. And oh so envious. I have wanted a recurve since I was his age and discovered a sport I was actually good at. Anyhoo, now the little booger is planning to sell the bow. I might have to arm wrestle him for it- I'm pretty sure I can still take him. I hope.

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