Saturday, June 27, 2009

teeth and bones

Nature, in her infinite wisdom, has seen fit to give us more teeth than we need. Never ones to hoard things we opted to unload these extra molars now instead of later.
Auburn's surgery was a couple of weeks ago and she weathered it in typical Auburn style. She woke from anesthesia wanting to know what was going on and unable to talk with all that gauze stuffed in her cheeks. She pointed at things and made very exaggerated "what's that?" expressions on her face and with her hands. Irritated that I didn't seem to understand what she was asking she mimed for a pad and pencil and promptly wrote, "Remind to me take Monday off work." and "EGG?" The last one had me puzzled until she pointed at a poster about ECGs. She seemed satisfied with my explanation and just confused that they might have a poster about EGGs up and then busied herself doodling. No big deal.
Cailyn awoke from her surgery in classic Cailyn style- laughing. The nurse came to get me and warned that they "occasionally have laughers but not like this." I could see why. Cailyn was laughing hysterically. The entire staff was lined up to watch her, laughter is definitely contagious. The informed me that laughers often cry later- an idea Cailyn found very sad when I told her. Just briefly though, very, very briefly.
She wasn't laughing two days later when she developed dry socket and her lower left side swelled. She might be a laugher but she's no whiner. Poor baby was in a lot of pain but still cheerful.
I raised some tough girls.
I think Orion agrees. Can you believe how skinny that boy is?

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