Monday, April 28, 2008

Best Friends

Willow has had a unique experience for one of my children. She alone has had "friends" since the day she was born. She has grown up knowing and loving the same group of amazing children their entire lives. Still there are two that stand out above the others and soon she will be facing the loss of one of those when her dear friend Cicely moves with her family to England. You can tell these girls love each other and we all hope they find a way to remain close all the way across the ocean. Cicely and her family have been a wonderful part of my life and I love each of them dearly. Just thought I'd throw that in because someday I hope they read this blog as a way of keeping up with the Claytons.


The Claytons said...

Their entire lives! why won't it let me edit?

stacnjul said...

Oh my goodness, I had to look twice at Willow, I thought that was Rhea! She sure is growing up.
That is loose a close friend. At least with computers they can stay in close, even across an ocean:-)