Friday, November 28, 2008

Thanksgiving and self defense

Life is a beautiful thing. As my children grow and experience more of it I can't help but see it from a different perspective myself. Things I used to stress over and take so seriously (and still do from time to time) just don't seem important in the face of life's greatest blessings- people to love.

I am truly thankful this year for the many people who have touched my life- for the gift of knowing them, the pleasure of loving them, and the knowledge that they are safe and happy. Cailyn made my week by expressing an expectation that she would be feasting with her siblings; an honor I don't take for granted. I don't think I gave much thought to holidays with my family at her age, I was far more interested in "my own life." I feel blessed beyond words that her life naturally and comfortably includes us. So all six of my children sat down at my table, accompanied by Joey- Cailyn's long time beau- and gave thanks for the privilege of being family.

Jon is off having an adventure of a lifetime, with his parents and brother- a blessing that we are each grateful for as well. His fondest Thanksgiving memories involved his family's annual trips into Mexico, something he has missed the past two decades. So this year they are all traveling to Golendrinas (Cave of the Swallows) where he and Chris (along with some friends) will rappel 1200 feet into an immense cave- then, of course they have to climb back out. Fun!

We are having mucho fun ourselves. Orion, Rheannon, Rowan, Willow and I spent some time working on an obstacle course in our pasture. We found, rather the dogs found, a snake while we were there and Orion educated us on the five defenses of the Puffing Adder.

Monday, November 17, 2008

All Hallows

I love Halloween. I love the crisp autumn nights, the changing leaves, the early dark and the opportunity to be someone remarkable (if only for a few hours). Halloween in Texas lacks most of the elements I most enjoyed as a child but the magic is alive and well in my children's imaginations, if no longer my own.
I took the easy way out and pulled on Dad's buckskin shirt. I have mixed feelings about doing so because people are always so impressed but the accomplishment isn't mine and I feel like I'm stealing credit for what I know was weeks of hard work. I did braid my own hair and for me that's an accomplishment that warrants some recognition.
The kids never cease to surprise me. Willow was a butterfly princess- not to be confused with a fairy princess, princess fairy, or any variation thereof (all prior manifestations of our Halloween Willow). Rowan began the night as Darth Mahl but had a reaction to the face paint that necessitated a quick change into Ninja man. Orion's costume is open to interpretation. He wore a sheet and a roll of cellophane- (at least for the first half of the night- I won't tell you how he finished the evening). Rheannon made an awesome David Bowie and I'm fairly impressed she even knows who he is. They all had a great time and consumed pounds of sugar and endured days of lectures about how "we are going to get serious about the food we eat and quit with all the garbage." Orion is the master of the yeah-mom eye roll that lets me know I'm not being taken seriously. We'll just see about that..... yes we will.